Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cycle 3

Was our Doctor doing something wrong? I did not know the answer. So we went out of state to get a second opinion. The Doctor told us that we had a good chance of getting pregnant. So we started to remain positive. We decided we would give our Doctor one more chance.

Cycle 3 was going to be different. Our Doctor decided to be a little more aggressive in his approach. He began the process a month early with a massive injection of Lupron to suppress my wife's ovaries and to relax her endometriosis. This injection made my wife menapausal. Hot flashes and swings in emotions, but she was a trooper.

We decided to go on a vacation and get away before we began. We decided two weeks of R&R would do the trick. When we got back the injections began. The protocol was the same as the first one, but this time the dosages changed.

My wife still produced her standard thirteen eggs. This time seven fertilized and we transferred four 8 cell embryos on day 3. The Doctor felt that maybe the embryos would do better inside the uterus than in a petrie dish.

Afterwards my wife elected to take a blood thinner called Lovenox to prevent her body from rejecting the embryos.

We waited 10 days then on the Friday before we were to take our Beta my wife took a home pregnancy test and got a negative. I began to tell her it was to early. We tried to enjoy the weekend, but it was devastating news.

That Sunday night my wife was nausea and her breast were tender. She did not think anything of it and on Monday morning the symptoms were gone.

Tuesday we woke up and I convinced my wife to take a home pregnancy test. Being the male I had no idea how to do a test. I dropped some urine on the test zone and watched. Nothing happened so I walked over to my wife and told her that I was sorry and it was negative.
Then I returned to look at the stick and there was a line in the test area indicating it was positive.

I began to well up tears and cry. It was a positive. Were we pregnant? Later that day my wife went and had a Beta test. It returned a 66. The clinic indicated she is pregnant. We still can't believe it. Then on that Friday she returned for another beta and got back a 366.

After three failed cycles we got a positive pregnancy test!

My wife went for another Beta today, I am at work waiting on the numbers.

There is hope if you fail. Never give up. It is a grueling process, but the role of the husband is to support.

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